Find & Delete Duplicate Files on Any Windows PC for Free! 2023

DocFetcherisanOpenSourcedesktopsearchapplication:Itallowsyoutosearchthecontentsoffilesonyourcomputer.,WizFileisaveryhighspeedfileandfoldersearch.Filesearchresultsarereturnedinstantlyasyoutype.WizFileprovidesarealtime ...,WiseJetSearchcanhelpyouse...。參考影片的文章的如下:



DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer.

WizFile Portable (fast file search)

WizFile is a very high speed file and folder search. File search results are returned instantly as you type. WizFile provides a real time ...

Wise JetSearch Portable (local file search tool)

Wise JetSearch can help you search files or folders on all your local drives in just a few seconds. Input your keywords, select the drive ...

Everything 免安裝中文版

超快速檔案搜尋工具- Everything,有時候想要找一個檔案卻忘記放在哪裡,這個工具比Windows內建的搜尋功能好用太多了,有用過「Google桌面搜尋」嗎?拿這個去比較看看!

SearchMyFiles 3.31 免安裝中文版

取代Windows內建搜尋功能- SearchMyFiles,操作介面比內建的「搜尋檔案及資料夾」功能好多了,支援萬用字元(*號)搜尋條件,可以設定排除的資料夾、副檔 ...

Free File Search Tool UltraSearch

UltraSearch is a handy tool for company-wide file search. Instant search results and extensive filtering options. Download for free! Compare UltraSearch Editions · Changelog · Guided Tour · UltraSearch Resources

8 Best Free File Search Tools

Despite its tiny 100 KB file size, SearchMyFiles is a portable file search utility for Windows that hosts tons of detailed features. Regular ...

Files - Search (26)

A powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface.

Portable file search app : rsoftware

FileSeek Free or Pro version with many options for searching; even the free version is very powerful. Everything Alpha ...

File Search Utility - Download

Download this Utility which is able to quickly find Files, Folders and Text on your Local, Network, DVD, CD-ROM, USB Hard or Flash Drives.


DocFetcherisanOpenSourcedesktopsearchapplication:Itallowsyoutosearchthecontentsoffilesonyourcomputer.,WizFileisaveryhighspeedfileandfoldersearch.Filesearchresultsarereturnedinstantlyasyoutype.WizFileprovidesarealtime ...,WiseJetSearchcanhelpyousearchfilesorfoldersonallyourlocaldrivesinjustafewseconds.Inputyourkeywords,selectthedrive ...,超快速檔案搜尋工具-Everything,有時候想要找一個檔案卻忘記...

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手

UltraSearch 4.6.3 快速尋找檔案的好幫手
